
【双语】你好!中国 | 国潮忠犬,中华田园犬!


In every cozy village across China, you'll find a bunch of furry friends that are like local celebrities – we're talking about the Chinese Country Dogs. They're more than just pets; they're part of our historical scenery and a colorful piece of our cultural puzzle.


These dogs call many places home, mostly in the southern parts below the Great Wall, east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and all around central China, plus some neighborhoods in Southeast Asia. They fit right in with farm life, easy to love and super loyal. Living together in a pack comes naturally to them, and they're pretty much immune to pesky skin problems.


When they roll over to show their tummies, it's their cute way of saying "I'm your buddy" or even "oops, my bad!" And when their tails start wagging, well, that's dog talk for "let's be friends." Back in the day, you'd see them guarding homes or helping out on hunting trips. Nowadays, they roam free in the countryside, keeping close to their wild roots.

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